Intellectual Property
Sparks Innovation
Intellectual property is everywhere, including Kosovo. Every creation of mind is eligible to be protected by law. This kind of property can be an invention, the design of a product, a trademark, or a creative work such as a book, a film, a song, or a piece of software.
Intellectual Property sparks innovation.
Animated briefs on Intellectual Property
in Kosovo
Intellectual property is a field that is not talked about enough in Kosovo.
These animation are designed to briefly and simply describe the benefits that these right bring, the legal protection that creators enjoy, and also reminds us of the general benefits to the economy and society.
Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, and symbols, names and images used in commerce.
This website aims to further raise awareness on the role and importance of intellectual property in Kosovo. It explains basic concepts using different media, intends to educate through publications, and lists laws and stakeholders to summarize the whole ecosystem of the sector.
The website was developed by the EU-funded Support to the Intellectual Property Rights in Kosovo project. In other major activities, over a three-and-a-half year period, the project assisted in the process of preparation of the intellectual property system of Kosovo in line with the European Union standards. Kosovo now has a fully functional IP system, aligned with EU practices, which provides a solid framework for boosting economic transactions involving intellectual property rights.
Key players discuss
Intellectual Property
A series of videos that highlights the innovation by the private sector to be more competitive domestically and international markets; Initiatives to start rewarding authors for their creations; And how institutions take the lead to create legislation and enforce it to protect intellectual property of rights owners.
Key Institutions
Two key institutions in Kosovo working in the sector are the
The Kosovo Industrial Property Agency and the The Office for Copyright and Related Rights.
International Institutions
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